Book an appointment online

If you need to see your GP, then you can book an appointment online using our online system.

Most of our appointments are bookable on the day from 08:30am however some are available 14 days in advance.


Some of the GPs are using a new appointment system called Doctor First.

If your registered GP is trialling the new system, you will be asked to complete a request form either electronically or on paper. The information provided on the form will be added to your appointment request and reviewed by the GP.

This is a triage-based system where the GP reviews the reason for an appointment and then decides the best course of action.

This might be a telephone appointment, face-to-face appointment, prescription or signposting to another local service who can help. Doctor First provides additional appointment capacity by ensuring that the GP sees the most appropriate patients.

A member of the practice team will then contact you regarding the next steps, this might be the GP themself, a Nurse Practitioner, Paramedic or member of the practice administration team.

How to book an appointment

Book an appointment online to see your GP by using our online system. Click the link below to book an appointment. You’ll be able to choose the type of appointment you need.

Find out more about GP Usual Working Days

Pre-bookable appointments (including nurse appointments) will still be available; however, these will be limited when we move towards an on the day booking system.

Due to the different skillset within the Nursing team not all appointments are available to book online. If you are unable to book a Nurse appointment online please call us.


To use our online services you will need a username and password.  If you wish to register for this service, please go to Reception with a copy of either a photo driving licence, passport or birth certificate.

Further information

What happens when you request an appointment?

Our Admin team will be asking a few questions when you request an appointment with a GP. This will help to ensure that you are directed to the most appropriate Healthcare Professional or service, which may not always be your GP. Your cooperation in answering these questions will aid us in providing you with the best possible care. If you have an urgent medical problem, that cannot wait until your own GP is available, you will be triaged by our Duty team.

Our in-house team

Our in-house team consists of GPs, Minor illness Clinicians (Nurses and Paramedics), Pharmacy Technicians and Physiotherapists. In addition, we have excellent local Community Pharmacists, who are able to provide advice and treatment for a broad range of conditions, often over the counter, without the need for a prescription.

Contacting the practice

Here is a summary of ways you can contact the practice:

  • Online consultation via Accurx for medical and administrative requests
  • Using the NHS App, Airmid App and the SystmOnline website
  • Prescription requests and queries via our dedicated email address
  • By telephone 01392 874646
  • In-person at our reception desk