Patient Participation Group

The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a great way to have your say and represent patients within Topsham Surgery.

A PPG or Patient Participation Group is a collaboration between a group of patients, carers and practice staff who meet to improve the service of the practice.

PPGs are a partnership between the practice and its patients.

Your local surgery needs you!

Please read the below FAQs to find out more.


JOIN OUR PPG Website (1)
What is a PPG for?

A PPG will:

  • Act as ambassadors for the practice
  • Help the practice improve services
  • Improve communication and be actively involved with patient surveys
  • Offer practical support to the practice and patients
What isn't a PPG?

PPGs are not:

  • A forum for complaints
  • A way of seeking medical advice
  • A time consuming commitment
How do PPGs work?
  • PPGs will meet usually on a quarterly basis in person.
  • The PPG will usually by run jointly by the practice and the PPG group.
  • They will look at patient feedback from different sources available such as surveys, Friends & Family Test response data, complaints and compliments.
  • They will be consulted and asked for their opinion on changes that will affect patients.
How can we help or get involved?

If you have read the above and would like to get involved please complete the below form.

The PPG will also need the following roles to support its running:

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer (if fund raising or holding funds)

If interested in holding a role within the PPG please indicate on the form.

The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?
Are you interested in a role within the PPG?
Select role(s) interested in

Patient Participation Group minutes

You can find the minutes from previous meetings below.