Medical services and clinics

Below are the services and clinics available in your area.

Annual Health Check Clinic

This clinic is run by the Practice Nursing Team. Patients with a chronic disease (Asthma, CHD, COPD, Diabetes, Epilepsy or Stroke) are invited in according to their birth month, An initial appointment is made for a blood test, if necessary, followed by an appointment with the Practice Nurse. We aim to cover all aspects of monitoring your condition/s in just these two appointments.

Ante-Natal Clinic

These clinics are run by our Community Midwives and appointments can be made at Reception.

Breast Screening

This screening service is offered to women every three years from the age of 49-64 and you will be invited to attend by letter by the Local Screening Team.

Cervical Screening

It is very important for all women between 25-64 to have a cervical smear test. The current interval time between smears is 3-5 years. There are many early stages of cervical cancer and if picked up early this is totally curable. The check is carried out be the Practice Nurse. You will be written to inviting you to make an appointment when this review is due.

A drop-in clinic is also available at the RD&E Hospital on a Tuesday evening 17:30 - 19:30. The service is limited to 12 patients for each clinic. Please be aware that if you have your cervical screening at the drop-in clinic, the results from your smear will still come via your GP.

Childhood Immunisations

The Practice will send an invitation to you for you to make an appointment for your child’s vaccinations when they are due. The Practice Nurse will perform the vaccinations and complete the record book. The Nurses and Health Visitor can give up to date advice on childhood immunisation programmes.

School Aged immunisations are undertaken and coordinated by Kernow Health on behalf of NHS Devon.

Kernow Health Immunisations

Contraceptive services and family planning

There is a coil clinic once a month. You can contact reception to register your interest and you will then be contacted by our nurse with an appointment. You will need one telephone appointment to discuss and a further appointment for the procedure.

Counsellors and advice services

You can self-refer to the TalkWorks service online for talking therapies.

Self-Refer to TalkWorks

Health screening

We offer the NHS Healthcheck programme to eligible adults aged 40-74 who do not have pre-existing cardiovascular conditions, every 5 years. To find out more please ask Reception. 

Holiday Travel Vaccinations

The Practice Nurse can give you up to date information and vaccinations as required.

You will initially be sent an online questionnaire to complete which will be reviewed and an appointment will be made if required.

Please contact us in plenty of time before you travel as some vaccine regimes are complex.

Please be aware that not all vaccines for travel are available on the NHS and will have to be paid for in advance.

Please see our Travel vaccinations page here for further information

Influenza Vaccinations

These are given annually during the Autumn for those patients at risk.


Women aged between 50 and 60 are advised to attend the Breast Screening Unit every three years for a mammography. This is to make sure we can check and detect any abnormalities as soon as possible. These appointments are sent out by the local Breast Unit.

Find breast screening services.

Maternity care

Our antenatal and postnatal clinics are held at our surgery by our doctors and midwives.

Minor Surgery

We offer a Minor Surgery clinic every few months, to register your interest please speak with Reception and you will be contacted when the next clinic is available.

Non-NHS services

Some services available are not covered under our contract with the NHS. This means that these services need to be paid for.

The services that include charges are:

  • Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements.
  • Insurance claim forms.
  • Passport signing.
  • Prescriptions for taking medication abroad.
  • Private sick notes.
  • Vaccination certificates.

Our reception staff and GPs will be happy to talk through the charges with you during your appointment.

Smoking Cessation Advice

Not smoking is the best way to help yourself to a healthier lifestyle. You can self-refer to the Devon Stop Smoking Service.

Please note that the surgery no longer has smoking cessation advisors however the Devon Stop Smoking Service offers telephone, video call and face to face appointments to support patients to quit smoking.

Wound Management

Simple uncomplicated dressings can be booked with a member of our Nursing team via Reception.

Complex or non-healing wounds may be referred to a more appropriate service.