Feedback about our service
At Topsham Surgery, we value patient feedback to help us review and improve the services we offer.
There are different ways you can send us feedback.
Find more information about giving feedback or making a complaint below.
Complaints and compliments
Patient survey and results
Please see our GP Patient Survey 2021 result here on the GP Survey website
How to make a complaint about an NHS service
If you’re unhappy with an NHS service, then it’s worthwhile talking about your concerns with us early on, as we may be able to sort it quickly.
If you would prefer to speak to someone else outside of our surgery, then you can contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). This is a free, confidential and independent service that you can use to talk to someone who understands the complaints process and can offer some guidance and support.
Complaining about NHS services
You can find more information about making a complaint about NHS services on the NHS website.